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Wind and Energy Yield Expertises Site and Wind Potential Analysis Noise and Shadow Flicker Impact Assessment Energy Yield expertises for PV Power Plants Climate and Weather Consulting

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Using currently valid guidelines, norms and standards (e.g., technical guideline Part 6 (TR6) of the Federation of German Windpower FGW or defined minimum standards of the German Solar Industry Association UVS working group “Quality Assurance for Solar Funds” - Commitment of Yield Experts) MeteoServ creates wind potential and energy yield expertises. Therefore, all necessary meteorological site informations and performance parameters which influcence the plant's efficiency are considered.

In addition to our site assessment and yield calculations we provide customers approval-related sound and shadow impact expertises (e.g., acc. to TA-Lärm / DIN ISO 9613-2, Federal States Committee for Immissions - LAI).

Our services are directed at planners, banks as well as private investors and plant operators which rely on quality-assured site assessment and energy yield reports.

Concerning our climate and weather services we provide custom-tailored forecasts for companies from economy or energy.

If you are planning a project we like to submit you an offer without obligation.

Don't hesitate to contact us!

MeteoServ - Spessartring 7, D-61194 Niddatal
Phone: +49 6034 / 9023010, Fax: +49 6034 / 9023013, Email: