The wind potential of a site considerably decides on the energy yield and the economy of a prospected wind park. On this, MeteoServ offers you persuasive wind expertises and energy yield reports which are based on the current technical guideline part 6 (TR6) of the Federation of German Wind Power (Fördergesellschaft Windenergie e. V., FGW). As an accredited consultant we provide wind potential analyses and energy yield assessments which are based exclusively on validated and internationally accepted methods (e.g., WAsP / WAsP-CFD, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark).
Services in detail
- investigation of the project/wind measurement site and reference wind turbines or measurement stations (masts)
- acquisition of technical data of the wind power plants
- digitalisation of the terrain and the surface roughness
- analysis of wind measurements and/or production data of reference power plants, long-term correction using wind / energy yield indices
- calculation of the wind climatology (weibull distribution, wind potential at hub height) on basis of long-term wind measurememts/-statistics (e.g., from local weather stations)
- calculation of the long-term energy yield of the wind park, wake losses, turbulence effects
- determination of power characteristics, e.g., efficiency, full load hours
- evaluation and detailled uncertainty analysis of the prediction results
- exceeding probabilities (P25, P50, P75, P90 ...)
- bankable and accredited expertise/report according to the technical guideline TR6: detailed description of all results and methods
- 60 % reference energy yield certificate according to EEG / TR6
MeteoServ - Spessartring 7, D-61194 Niddatal
Phone: +49 6034 / 9023010, Fax: +49 6034 / 9023013, Email: