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Wind and Energy Yield Expertises Site and Wind Potential Analysis Noise and Shadow Flicker Impact Assessment Energy Yield expertises for PV Power Plants Climate and Weather Consulting

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Wind and Energy Yield Expertises

The wind potential of a site considerably decides on the energy yield and the economy of a prospected wind park. On this, MeteoServ offers you persuasive wind expertises and energy yield reports which are based on the current technical guideline part 6 (TR6) of the Federation of German Wind Power (Fördergesellschaft Windenergie e. V., FGW). As an accredited consultant we provide wind potential analyses and energy yield assessments which are based exclusively on validated and internationally accepted methods (e.g., WAsP / WAsP-CFD, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark).

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MeteoServ - Spessartring 7, D-61194 Niddatal
Phone: +49 6034 / 9023010, Fax: +49 6034 / 9023013, Email: