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Energy Yield Expertises for Photovoltaic Power Plants

From the economic point of view, a meaningful and reliable energy yield prediction is indispensable for your prospected photovoltaic power plant. Amongst others, the energy yield is decisively influenced by the solar irradiation, the system layout of the photovoltaic power plant and the quality of the system components. As an accredited consultant, we provide meaningful as well as bankable and investor suitable energy yield expertises, which are based on internationally accepted methods and standards (e.g., German Solar Industry Association UVS working group “Quality Assurance for Solar Funds” - Commitment of Yield Experts). Your financial risk can already be minimized considerably in the planning stage.

Services in detail

Additionally, we provide verifications and plausibilty checks of real operational data from existing plants under consideration of site-specific long-term solar irradiance data.

MeteoServ - Spessartring 7, D-61194 Niddatal
Phone: +49 6034 / 9023010, Fax: +49 6034 / 9023013, Email: