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Noise and Shadow Flicker Impact Assessment

Because of their potential noise and shadow flicker impact on sensitive areas, wind park projects usually require an approval according to country-specific legislations. In Germany details are determined by the Federal Immission Control Act (BImschG, "Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz") and the related technical instructions on protection against noise "TA-Lärm" as well as the recommendations of the Federal States Committee for Immissions "LAI".

Services in detail

Prediction of noise immission according to TA-Lärm / DIN ISO 9613-2

Prediction of shadow flicker according to LAI

MeteoServ - Spessartring 7, D-61194 Niddatal
Phone: +49 6034 / 9023010, Fax: +49 6034 / 9023013, Email: